Now a days we all hear this buzzing word “Digital Marketing”. But exactly what it is, how it works and what’s its benefits and strategies. Let’s talk about all this.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is just like simple marketing but with the use of digital channels such as email, social media, search engines etc. Traditional marketing is a physical marketing using printing ads, phone communications, door to door marketing where as digital marketing can be done online. This means that there are more possible opportunities to reach the customers and build the brand presence using digital marketing. There are 5Ds of digital marketing that can better explain in detail:

Digital Marketing

Digital Media- All the communication channels such as social network, search engines, email and messages used to reach or connect your audience.

Digital device- All devices such as smart phones, tablets, desktop, computers, TVs etc. Which are connected in combination to interact with website or mobile apps to experience the brand.

Digital platforms- Interaction on digital devices through services like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Digital data- All the information related to audience profile and business interactions is digital data and needs to be confidential as per law.

Digital technology- Technology that uses digital devices and data to create interactive marketing experience with the help of digital media and platform.

Digital marketing can be categorized into 7 different types of Digital Marketing Strategies:

·        Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is a strategy of diverting traffic towards your website by paying for every ad clicked. Google Ads are the most common type PPC

·        Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – This marketing strategy involves optimization of your website to rank high in search engine result. This strategy is to drive organic traffic to your website. There are number of ways for SEO like On page SEO, Off page SEO and Technical SEO.

o   On page SEO – By searching keywords for search volume and meaning when SEO focus on all the content “on the page”.

o   Off page SEO – while optimizing your website you focus on the activities “off the page”. It means it includes all inbound links, backlinks, writing guest blogs or post, by networking are all types of off page SEO.

o   Technical SEO – This type of SEO includes the optimization of page coding, image suppression, data structuring so that you can increase the speed of loading your website.

·        Social Media Marketing – In this type of marketing strategy social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn etc. are used to drive traffic towards your website and to increase brand awareness.

·        Content Marketing- Purpose of this marketing strategy is to generate traffic and increase brand awareness with the help of creating and promoting content such as blog post, ebooks, infographics etc.

·        Native Advertising- Have you Ever wonder to get rock bottom of a piece of content and see pile of articles? That’s native advertising. Native marketing strategy is another form of content marketing as it uses content to divert traffic. Native advertising is often hard to identify as it's usually confused with non-paid content recommendations.

·        Email Marketing- Email communications are used to communicating with audience to promote content and direct traffic towards the website. Blog subscription newsletter, customer welcome mails, holiday promotions, loyalty programs are common example of email marketing strategy.

·        Affiliate Marketing – This is a performance-based marketing strategy in which you receive commissions for the promotion of other people’s product and services.

Importance of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing helps you in multiple ways:

1. Digital marketing is efficient than traditional marketing in terms of cost, time, efforts and results.

2. Digital marketing gives you an opportunity to outrank major competitors in your industry.

3. Digital marketing benefits us with a comprehensive view of all the activities from start to end.

4. Digital marketing focuses on target audiences more efficiently.

5. Digital marketing equips the marketer with accurate result in real time to take decision on time.

As far now we understood what is digital marketing, its components, its strategies and the benefits of using digital marketing. Well question comes to your mind. how to do digital marketing. So, let’s go dive and know how to do that.

·        * Clearly define the goal.

·        * Identify who is the target audience.

·        * Statistic your budget for digital channels.

·        * Do the Digital data and content optimization.

·        * Run the test for keyword search.

That’s all!! start marketing your content on digital platforms.