Marketing budget is important for a business but invest that budget in right direction is equally important, so that we drive more out of it. However, it is difficult to choose right marketing strategy which can make a big difference, but by knowing the difference aspects of traditional and digital marketing anyone can get an idea which strategy is right and can be applied.

digital marketing vs traditional marketing

Traditional Marketing – This is marketing strategy which don’t use any digital media or internet. Postcards, television ads, radio ads, newspaper ads, billboards, text messages and telephone calls are some of the medium used for traditional marketing.

Digital Marketing - Marketing strategy that involves digital media or internet is known as digital marketing. Email campaigns, social media marketing, clickable or link ads, affiliate marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and website blogs or content are few examples of digital marketing.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Traditional Marketing

Basis business and the audience, traditional marketing strategy may be the good choice. To help cognize if traditional marketing is right choice or not here are some benefits and drawbacks.


·       If target audience ages 45+ then traditional marketing gives better choice as they spent most of the time in reading newspaper and watching television.

·       A small business with local audience can drive attention by billboards, flyers and by organizing activities instead of using digital media.

·       Television and radio ads cannot be skipped and can be played multiple times.


·       This type of marketing may be expensive like printing postcards, book commercial on television etc.

·       It wont guarantee whether audience is interested in your business or not.

·       Traditional marketing is time consuming as it takes weeks or even months to yield result


Benefits and Drawbacks of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing uses latest and modern tactics but there is area where digital market wont fits.


·       In digital marketing audience can be target efficiently and instantly.

·       Digital marketing strategy are much cheaper than traditional marketing. For example, it is easy and less costly to send email instead of printing postcard and post them.

·       With digital marketing you can reach bigger audience in less time.


·       Sometime user applied ad blocker or pop up blocker settings. Also, ads can be skipped or blocked using premium membership.

·       As technology is emerging so fast you have to keep on upgrading timely basis to get efficient results.

Confused? Which marketing strategy is better?

In simple words it basically depends on situation, business, audience, budget etc. But on broader picture digital marketing win the place.

When to choose between traditional marketing and digital marketing, its not always the case that traditional marketing is better or digital marketing is better because both of them have different purpose to serve. You have to understand your business and audience in a better way to take decision on right marketing strategy.