What is Technical SEO?

This is search engine optimization technique which refer to the optimization of technical aspects of website such as page coding, image suppression, data structuring so that you can increase the speed of loading your website and increase the ranking.

Technical SEO work has either direct or indirect impact on the search engine crawling, indexing and ultimately ranking. As such, Technical SEO doesn't include analytics, keyword research, backlink profile development or social media strategies.

Technical SEO

Why technical SEO is important for your website content?

Technical SEO is one of the strong pillars on which your website’s strength depends. Technical SEO gives you opportunity to shine in search engine results by increasing the speed of your website, by easy and understandable template, by image optimization and by managing redirect links.

A technically sound website is fast for users and crawl easily for search engine robots.

Elements of Technical SEO

Search engines give preference in search results to the websites with certain technical characteristics such as secure internet connection, a responsive design or less loading time — This is the job of technical SEO to ensure that your website does so.

Below are some elements of technical SEO that needs to be check to ensure your technical SEO is up to the mark:

1. Speed of website

Even a 50 to 100 millisecond delay to load your website can add to big percentage decrease in sales. In short faster your website will load, better you rank. There are numerous things you can do to improve speed of you website:

·       Simple template – Always remember the thumb rule “ less is more”. Limit your website content. Plugins, tracking codes, redirect links, widgets all these need extra time to load so optimized accordingly. Don’t let your user wait for more than 3 seconds.

·       Optimized visuals – Always use jpg format for images and png format for any graphics. Try to limit the size of image because b8g pictures strongly add on to loading time.

·       Limit number of redirects – Redirects directly implies to your content. It means more the number of redirect higher the time of loading website. So always try to reduce number of redirects. Never let your user to land on 404 error- Page not found, this will lead him to bounce off your content. The better scenario is that you implement 301 redirect.

·       Browser cache- When you visit any page its version cashed and it will load much faster when you leave the page and return back. Anchorage browser cache according to your need.

2. Ensure your site is mobile-friendly

A ‘robust’ website adjusts automatically in order to read easily on any device.

It is obvious that Google give significant ranking by its algorithms to such a responsive site. With the introduction of Google’s ‘mobile first’ approach of indexing content, a responsive website is now gaining more significance than ever.

3. Shaping site architecture

·       HTTPS- Right architecture starts with appropriate hypertext transfer protocol. You always have to choose secure protocols. This will give you definitely not only ranking boost but also benefits related to analytics.

·       Breadcrumbs – Type of navigation that enhance orientational awareness of user by revealing its location. It refers to the hierarchy of websites to indicate where the visitor is.

·       URL structure – good site structure will be incomplete without a clear and a user-friendly URL. There should not be more than 2,048 characters. It describes page for search engine as well as for users.

·       Internal links – It is important to categorize your website content and always provide links within category. It is always wise to structure your content like a pyramid so that older post in your website won’t be forgotten.

4. Add structured data markup to your website.

Structured data markup is code which help your website to assist search engines better understand the content thereon.

‘Rich snippet’ are add-ons to structure data to enhance search engine results. For instance, featuring star ratings reviews. As it highlights important information to users and having highly appealing view, these improve your click-through rate (CTR), and drive traffic to your site.

5. Fix duplicate content issues

Duplicate content can either be confusing for users (and indeed search algorithms); it also be used to manipulate search rankings or win more traffic. Therefore, it is advisable to fix any duplicate content issues.

You can fix duplicate content issues by:

• Entirely delete the duplicate content or try re phrasing it.

• Use of canonical link element helps search engines to know where the original and main version of your content located.

6. Create an XML sitemap

An XML sitemap is just like a roadmap of your content that helps search engines to know your website important pages without internal linking. You need to add it to your Google Search Console Account in sitemap section for Google to find it quickly.

7. Enable Accelerated Mobile Pages

AMP is a web component framework which aims to optimized content on mobile devices through the utilization of special code referred to as AMP HTML.

Technical SEO is a very vast topic in itself. Possible we won’t be able to touch every aspect of it but we definitely shed light on important bits of it.